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参考例句:Comparatively new比较新的Comparative anatomy比较解剖学an inept comparison不适当的比较Compare at原价比较Convey a notion of comparison表达比较的概念sonic comparator声波比较[比长]仪A comparative newcomer比较新进的人员Compare A with B; compare A and B比较A和BCompare continual and continuous.试比较continual和continuousThey are forthright and relatively more concerned about important issues.他们比较豪爽,比较关心大事。compare是什么意思:v. 比较,相比,对照;喻为n. 比较To whom, then, will you compare God? What image will you compare him to? 你们究竟将谁比神,用什么形像与神比较呢? This view is beyond compare. 这景色无与伦比。 The achievements of an athlete and a writer are not comparable.运动员的成就与作家的成就不能相提并论。contrast是什么意思:n. 对比,对照;差别;对照物;反差v. (使)对比,(形成)对照acoustic contrast声阻抗比差 This is an example of no contrast. 这就是一个没有对比的例子。This colour contrasts strikingly with green. 这个颜色显然不同于绿色。 fairly是什么意思:adv. 相当地;公平地;简直I fairly jumped for joy.我简直高兴得跳了起来。 This plan is fairly elastic.这个计划有相当的灵活性。The suit is fairly extravagant.这套装过于昂贵。

