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备忘录的英文:memorandumaide-memoirememorandum book

参考例句:memorandum of release放弃索取换地权益备忘录 A memorandum about the meeting这次会议的备忘录An advisory memorandum regarding airworthiness.有关适航性的警告性备忘录THE USES AND FORMAT OF MEMO备忘录的格式与用途He did not comment on the specifics of the memo.他没有对备忘录的细节置评。Let's give this memorandum the once-over.让我们大略地看一下备忘录These annoying memos will get short shrift from the boss.老板不会认真对待这些令人讨厌的备忘录的He noted down the date of the meeting in the memorandum book他把会议日期记到备忘录里。His response to my first memorandum was oblique他对我的第一份备忘录的答复是闪烁其词的。an interoffice memo;interoffice conferences.各办公室间的备忘录;办公室会议memorandum是什么意思:n. 备忘录memorandum of release放弃索取换地权益备忘录 This memorandum shall be published in the federal register.此备忘录在联邦政府公报上公布。Reacted strongly to the sarcastic tone of the memorandum.对于备忘录所使用的讽刺性口吻而作出强烈反应aide是什么意思:n. 助手;副官This is an Aids charity.这是一个艾滋病慈善组织。He carries the AIDs virus (is infected with the AIDs virus)他携带爱滋病病毒To machine(an object)with the aid of a jig.用夹具辅助加工(一物件) memoire是什么意思:n. [外交上的] 备忘录Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant格兰特总统回忆录 But some have mainly given publicity to themselves in their memoirs.但有些自传还是宣扬自己的多The cashiered dictator and his cohorts have all written their memoirs被革职的执政官和他的同谋者已经写了他们的实录,



