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参考例句:The conclusion,as of a syllogism or a conditional sentence.结论结论,如三段论中的推断或条件句中的结论句a predicable conclusion.可断定的结论He reasoned out the conclusion according to the theory.他根据这个理论作出了结论。 Their deliberations were rather inconclusive.他们的审议几乎没有得出什么结论。To come to a satisfactory conclusion or to fruition.实现得出满意的结论或实现愿望The issue is unresolved and certain to remain controversial结论尚未达成,显然还将继续争议。The issue is unresolved and certain to remain controversial.结论尚未达成,显然还将继续争议。acts contrary to our code of ethics; the facts point to a contrary conclusion.行为与我们的道德规范相对的;事实指向一个相反的结论。 They are also of interest in disabusing our minds of the tyranny of certain facile generalizations.它们还可以使我们的头脑摆脱某些轻率的结论的束缚。ConclusionEstrogen can repress osteoblasts apoptosis of rats induced by serum hungry.结论雌激素能抑制血清饥饿诱导的大鼠成骨细胞凋亡。 conclusion是什么意思:n. 结论;推论;结局;结尾;结束语Don't rush to a conclusion. 不要急于下结论。The conclusion, as of a syllogism or a conditional sentence.结论结论,如三段论中的推断或条件句中的结论句 His conclusions are purely speculative.他做出的结论纯粹是推测而来的。There is a final, conclusive point.还有最终的、决定性的一点。Defeat is a foregone conclusion.战败 [失败] 是早已看出的结果 [已成定局] 。verdict是什么意思:n. 结论;裁定The jury brought in a verdict of not guilty.陪审团宣判无罪。Uphold a verdict,policy,principle支持某项裁决、政策、原则.Challenge a claim, an assertion, a verdict对某要求、主张、判决质疑To find someone guilty or to return a verdict of guilty or to return a guilty verdict裁定某人有罪或裁决有罪或定罪Madam foreman, has the jury reached a verdict?陪审团主席女士,陪审团有裁定了吗?



