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原料的英文:raw material

参考例句:Production has come to a halt owing to the lack of raw materials."由于缺少原料,生产已陷入停顿。"The workshop has shut down for lack of raw material.由于缺乏原料,这个车间已停工了。Check hopper for material bridging检查料斗,原料是否连续顺畅Baker loathe go to this red-hair young pup for supplies.面包师傅不喜欢去这个红头发的自负的傻小子那里拿原料。This turbidity is caused by material present in the original black tea.这种浑浊是由存在于原料红茶中的物质所引起的。They kill soap stock by boiling with alkali他们用加碱煮沸的方法处理肥皂原料。production was hindered by lack of materials由於缺乏原料,生产陷於停顿The key problem of producing fructose from Jerusalem artichokes is the concentrating of the syrups. 以洋姜为原料制取果糖浆,糖浆的浓缩是生产的关键。 extraction feed萃出原料|抽出原料 Applicable materials适用原料;适用材料raw是什么意思:adj. 生的;自然状态的;原始的,第一手的;质量粗糙的;光秃的;赤裸的n. 擦伤处;红肿发炎部位;半成品;原料v. 擦破;使赤身露体They are tired of their raw treatment by their boss.他们受到老板的不公正待遇,对此实在无法忍受了。We need raw data.我们需要第一手数据。furskin ,raccoon, raw, whole整张生浣熊毛皮 furskin ,otter, raw, whole整张生水獭毛皮 There was a rawness and honesty in the children's paintings.孩子们的绘画中充满了质朴和坦诚。material是什么意思:n. 材料,物质,素材adj. 物质的,世俗的,重要的invest material覆盖材料 opaque materials不透明物 This material is recyclable and will not pollute the environment.这种材料是可循环利用的,因而不会污染环境。It's a material of substance.那是一种坚固的材料。An ordinary mediocre material中等人材



