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报价单的英文:quotationquotation sheet

参考例句:Would you care to send us some samples with the quotations.敬请惠寄报价单和样品可否?请酌。Enclosed is our new Quotation No. ______ in lieu of the previous one.随附我公司第号新的报价单以替代前发的报价单。The insurance company requires three quotations for repairs to the car.保险公司要三家修理这辆汽车的报价单.He gave me a quotation for mending the roof他给我一张修缮屋顶的报价单。Please breakdown the quotation on the forms provided.请在给你的报价单上细列各项成本We have pleasure in recommending to you ... and enclose Quotation No. ... for your reference."荣幸地向贵方推荐...,随函附上第...号报价单,供贵方考虑"Enclosed is our revised quotation, with the modified part underlined for your ready attention.随函附上更正的报价单,有关更改部分下已划线,请予注意。The price list shows that we can offer the products with the lowest price, but the quality is still very good.附去的报价单显示我方能以最低价钱,供应产品。虽然我方所报价钱非常的低,但是品质却是非常优良的。quotation是什么意思:n. 引语;报价;行情;引证We are writing to invite quotations for the supply of….兹函请提供……的报价To organize the quotation and advanced quality planning组织新项目的报价和质量规划The quotation for cotton this year is very good.今年的棉花行情非常好。His quotation from Shakespeare is appropriate.他引用莎士比亚的话是恰如其分的。These quotations cannot readily be traced to their sources.这些引语很难查出出自何处。 sheet是什么意思:n. 表格,单子;床单;一张,薄板,薄片;一大片v. 给...铺上被单;用裹尸布包裹;覆盖The rain down in sheets.大雨滂沱。This gives the sheet of newspaper a grain.这就使得报纸的纸张带有纹理。 Lay a sheet of newspaper on the floor.把一张报纸放在地板上。This machine perforates the sheets of stamps.这台机器在这整版邮票上面穿孔。sheet of slate; for writing with chalk.蓝灰色石板;可以用粉笔在上面书写。



