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茉莉花 英文

茉莉花 英文

茉莉花的英文:jasmine flower

参考例句:The jasmine sighed, "Alas," and dropped to the ground茉莉花叹息了一声,落在地上了。Odorous jasmine flowers;odorous garbage.散发着香味的茉莉花;有气味的车库The jessamine gives out a sweet perfume.茉莉花散发出馥郁的香味。I always associate the smell of jasmine with Uruguay.我一闻到茉莉花就联想到乌拉圭。Dab an essential oil of jasmine, peppermint, or vanilla on your arm and sniff.在手臂上轻轻拍上一些茉莉花、薄荷或香草精油,不时地闻一闻。The raindrop whispered to the jasmine, "Keep me in your heart for ever."雨点向茉莉花微语道:“把我永久地留在你的心里吧。”jasmine是什么意思:n. 茉莉;淡黄色Jasmine flowers scent the air.空气中弥漫着茉莉花香。He helped me pot the jasmine.他帮我把茉莉栽入盆中。However, some people prefer jasmine tea.当然有些人喜欢茉莉花茶。You should take something light, such as a jade tiepin, jasmine tea.你只能带些轻的东西,比如说绿玉色领带针、茉莉花茶。 Dab an essential oil of jasmine, peppermint, or vanilla on your arm and sniff.在手臂上轻轻拍上一些茉莉花、薄荷或香草精油,不时地闻一闻。flower是什么意思:n. 花朵,开花植物;精华,精英v. (使)开花;用花装饰;繁荣,发展;用花装饰The flowers are opening. 花正在开放。Their relationship flowered.他们的关系变得更好了。This flower is a male.这朵花是雄性植物。The flowers faded for want of water. 花儿因缺水而凋谢了。 The flowers in their hair are pale and faded.她们发上的花朵已经褪色枯萎了。



