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参考例句:By the time the ambulance have arrive,a crowd of onlooker have gather.救护车赶到时,围观的人已经很多了。An ambulance officer brought a stretcher for the injured woman.救护车工作人员带来了一副担架抢救受伤女子。Ambulance drivers are urgently needed.急需救护车司机.The ambulance sped to the hospital.救护车快速开往医院。Ambulances racing along with sirens wailing高声鸣笛疾驶的救护车An ambulance drove past.一辆救护车开了过去。"Within moments, the ambulance came."救护车马上来了。The ambulance clanged down the avenue.救护车当当地沿街开过。Somebody, please call an ambulance.哪位拜托打电话叫救护车。The ambulance clanged down the street. 救护车丁当地沿街而过。ambulance是什么意思:n. 救护车Somebody, please call an ambulance.哪位拜托打电话叫救护车。The ambulance clanged down the street. 救护车丁当地沿街而过。An ambulance drove past.一辆救护车开了过去。He arrested in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. 在去医院的途中,他的心跳停止。He was taken by ambulance to the nearest hospital. 他被用救护车送到就近的医院。

