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单价的英文:unit price

参考例句:Having a valence of1;univalent.有一价的;单价的Bisulfate:The univalent inorganic acid group HSO or a salt of sulfuric acid containing it.硫酸氢盐:单价无机酸HSO或含有它的硫酸盐。Our standard unit price to the wholesaler is 23.5.我们给批发商的标准单价是23.5。The negative univalent radical HCO,characteristic of aldehydes.甲酰负的单价HCO原子,具乙醇的特性Of or relating to a chromosome that is not paired or united with its homologous chromosome during synapsis.单价染色体的属于或有关一种染色体的,在染色体结合过程中不与它的对等染色体配对或结合Obtain quaint from general company as to fob price per unit on basis200units.已得知通用公司的FOB单价,但订货不能少于200件。4 mope trees (not less than 7ft.) $40 each-$1604棵枫树(不小于7英尺),每棵单价40美元,总计160美元。A univalent radical,CN,found in simple and complex cyanide compounds.氰基一种单价基因,氯化苯乙酮,存在于简单的和复杂的氰化物中A monovalent radical,such as ethyl or propyl,having the general formula CnH2n+1.烷基,烃基一种单价基,如乙烷基和丙基,分子式为CnH2n+A univalent organic radical with composition C3H7,derived from propane.丙基一种化学式为C3H7的单价的有机放射物,由丙烷生成unit是什么意思:n. 单位,单元;装置;部件;部队;单位数Expand the patriotic united front and unite with all forces that can be united. 壮大爱国统一战线,团结一切可以团结的力量。The conception of the United Nations was in 1945. 联合国创始于一九四五年。The meter reads 5500 units.仪表标明为5500单位。The probe unit is hermetically sealed.探头装置是密封的。 The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy.英国是君主立宪国。price是什么意思:n. 价格,价值;代价v. 给…定价;问…的价格Prices are advancing.各种物价都在上涨。The price is outrageous.价钱高得吓人。Prices are on the rise.价格在上涨。Price has sagged.价格已下降。The price was duplicated.价格加了倍。



