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参考例句:Fidgety:Tending to fidget.〞坐立不安的,烦躁的〞He chafed at the forced inaction他因强制不许活动而感到烦躁恼怒。Any of various skin disorders,such as scabies,marked by intense irritation and itching.疥癣,皮癣一种皮肤病,如疥疮,其症状是特别的烦躁和发痒To behave or move nervously or restlessly.烦躁紧张或不安地举止或移动Inclined to be vexed or troubled; peevish.烦躁的易被激怒或困扰的;易怒的Doubts began to fret his mind.疑虑开始使他心情烦躁。As she spoke we could see that she was in a fret.她讲话时,我们看得出她很烦躁。The lion paced the floor of his cage restlessly狮子烦躁地在兽笼里走来走去。The quality or state of being irritable;testiness or petulance.激怒激怒的性质或状态;烦躁或生气"Who is it?" came the reply in a high, cracked, irritable tone.“谁呀?”里面发出了沙哑而显得烦躁的尖音。 jittery是什么意思:a. 神经过敏的;战战兢兢的This means that the gas exerts a jittery force which our coarse senses feel only as an average push.这意味着,气体施加一个颤动的力,而我们粗糙的感官只感到一个平均的推力。twitchy是什么意思:a. 焦急的,焦躁不安的fidgety是什么意思:a. 不安的,不沉着的,难以取悦的,烦燥的We are not either fidgety or quarrelsome now.我们现在既不好寻事,也不爱争吵。Wang Ho-fu, however, was fidgety王和甫却有点坐立不安。It made Lily so fidgety and she asked such impossible questions这弄得莉丽心烦意乱,她提出了一些使人难堪的责问。

