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参考例句:The koala is an arboreal Australian marsupial.考拉是一种澳大利亚树栖有袋动物。koalas Stranded by Travel Woes (2001/10/11)空运受控,考拉被困(2001/10/11)The 8-pound (4-kg) koalas are not ferocious, but their crates cannot be searched with them inside尽管这两只8磅(4公斤)重的考拉性情温顺,但是考拉在箱子里的时候,工作人员还是无法检查箱子的。The zoo said it would find a way to keep the koalas warm when it turned colder动物园方面则保证,如果天气转冷的话,他们会想尽办法让考拉保持暖和的。Our daughter has one long hair koala, it is really cute and it can lie on the top of the hand.我们家女儿有一只长毛绒考拉﹐样子乖极了﹐还能趴在手上。koala是什么意思:n. 树袋熊,考拉Koala bears eat eucalyptus leaves.树袋熊吃桉树叶。The Australian Government gave us a koala bear as a gesture of friendship.澳洲政府赠送给我们一只无尾熊做为友谊的表示。The zoo said it would find a way to keep the koalas warm when it turned colder动物园方面则保证,如果天气转冷的话,他们会想尽办法让考拉保持暖和的。

