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参考例句:Aaron made a joke at the expense of Susan.爱伦开苏珊的玩笑。Waggish behavior or spirit;drollery.诙谐幽默的行为或气氛;玩笑She poked fun at Alec because he was shy and stodgy她开亚历克的玩笑,因为他羞怯,同时还有些沉闷。April fool: The victim of a joke or trick played on april Fools' Day.愚人节被捉弄者:愚人节玩弄的玩笑或恶作剧的受害者He did his best, therefore, to achieve a mood half sportive and half thoughtful'于是他尽其所能培养一种半开玩笑半认真的心情。The boys played a sly joke on their friends by pretending they forgot to bring the food for the picnic.男孩子们假装忘了带野餐食品,对他们的朋友开了个顽皮的玩笑。a Blue joke下流的玩笑 A prank;a caper.恶作剧;玩笑A broad joke庸俗的玩笑A schoolboy joke,prank,etc(中小学)男生的玩笑、恶作剧等.joke是什么意思:n. 玩笑,戏谑;笑柄,笑料;轻松的事v. 开玩笑;开...的玩笑,戏弄But it is no joking matter.但这可不是开玩笑的事儿。It was a joke, of course, but surely a rum sort of joke?这当然是个玩笑,但是这个玩笑也太奇怪了吧?play a joke on or subject to a hoax.开某人的玩笑或使遭受欺骗。 I was the butt of their jokes.我是他们的笑柄。They groaned at his dirty joke. 他们对他下流的笑话发出不满之声。 jest是什么意思:n. 玩笑v. 开玩笑He's not a man to jest with. 他不是一个可以玩笑的人。You presume to jest with me in this free manner.你敢在我面前这么放肆地开玩笑。 Many a true word is spoken in jest戏言寓真理That is why I at myself and shatter my secret in jest.因此我嘲笑我自己,把我的秘密在玩笑中打碎。But you should not jest about our affection for one another.但你不应讥讽我们相互间的感情。



