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公元前的英文:before ChristBC

参考例句:Archimedes flourished in the 3rd century B.C.阿基米德活跃于公元前三世纪;阿基米德是公元前三世纪的人。Born circa 150 BC生于公元前约150年.Julius Caesar subdued Gaul in 50 B.C.凯撒在公元前五十年时征服高卢。conqueror of Gaul and master of Italy (100-44 BC).高卢的征服者,意大利的统治者(公元前100-44)。 There are early references to postal services in Egypt c. 2000 BC and in Zhou-dynasty China c.. 1000 BC."最早的类似机构出现在约公元前2000年的埃及和公元前1,000年的中国周朝。"BC: Short for before Christ. Usually set in small caps and after the figures(e.g. 150 BC).公元前:英文是基督降生前和意思。排字时(英文),应用小型大写,放于年份之后。Any of the orations of Cicero against Antony in44b.c.《斥安尼篇》公元前44年,西塞罗反对安东尼的演说之一"Well, Decapitator, Guardian of the State, Royalist, brutus, what is the matter?" said one“喂,专砍脑袋的人,国家的支柱,布鲁特斯[(公元前85—42)古罗马政治家]究竟是发生了什么事?”In(the year)2000 BC在公元前2000A ceremony which is a survival from pre-Christian times从公元前沿袭下来的礼仪活动.before是什么意思:prep. 在…之前;优于,先于;当面conj. 在…之前adv. 先前,从前Rain before seven;fine before eleven雨过天晴They corned their horses before the journey. 他们在启程前用玉米喂马。 The army was arrayed before the commander. 部队在指挥官前列好阵势。see before you go三思而行Bind the sack before it be full做事应适可而止christ是什么意思:n. 基督,救世主Christ was crucified on a crucifix.基督被钉死在十字架上。The devil tempt christ, but it is christ who tempt the devil to tempt him.魔鬼引诱了基督,但那是基督引诱了魔鬼去引诱他的。 The devil tempted Christ, but it was christ who tempted the devil to tempt him .魔鬼引诱了基督,但那是基督引诱了魔鬼去引诱他的。 Jesus Christ, you're a crazy bastard! 我的天,你真是个脑子有毛病的傻笨蛋。It is still considered improper to portray Christ in a play or film.在戏剧或电影中描绘基督形象仍被认为是不妥的。




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