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  • 兼职英文


    英语屋收录兼职英文, 「阅读材料」 Billy and his part-time job Billy is 14 years old and in his the ninth g...大家一起来看下兼职英文吧。...

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  • 儿童节快乐的英语


    英语屋收录儿童节快乐的英语,Every year, when Children’s Day comes, no matter how old people are, they want t...大家一起来看下儿童节快乐的英语吧。...

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  • 成功的秘诀作文


    英语屋收录成功的秘诀作文,To be or nor tobe, that is a question. To succeed or to fail? How to succeed and...大家一起来看下成功的秘诀作文吧。...

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  • 改变自己英文


    英语屋收录改变自己英文,Two years ago, I was a bad child, I didn’t listen to what my parents told me, I ...大家一起来看下改变自己英文吧。...

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  • 网络对大学生的影响


    英语屋收录网络对大学生的影响,The usage of Internet becomes one of the most controversial topics in the societ...大家一起来看下网络对大学生的影响吧。...

    admin admin 6
  • 关于志愿者的英语作文


    英语屋收录关于志愿者的英语作文,Every day, we can see the figures of thevolunteers. Actually, they have formed a...大家一起来看下关于志愿者的英语作文吧。...

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  • 请假条英文


    英语屋收录请假条英文,March 6th, 2013Dear Mr Li,李老师:I’m sorry totell you that I have to ask for sick l...大家一起来看下请假条英文吧。...

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  • learnenglish


    英语屋收录learnenglish,Learning Englishis a hard but meaningful thing. I had access to English when I w...大家一起来看下learnenglish吧。...

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  • 惊喜英文怎么写surprise


    英语屋收录惊喜英文怎么写surprise,Today, when I walk into the classroom, my deskmate brings me to a corner, then I...大家一起来看下惊喜英文怎么写surprise吧。...

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  • responsibility


    英语屋收录responsibility,Anyone can't avoid takingresponsibilities when he is alive. By taking responsibi...大家一起来看下responsibility吧。...

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  • 关于爱情的英文文章


    英语屋收录关于爱情的英文文章,Love is the most beautiful thing in the world, it gives people the power and mak...大家一起来看下关于爱情的英文文章吧。...

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  • 保护动物的英语作文


    英语屋收录保护动物的英语作文,The animal is the friend of our human beings. We live in the same earth. Animals...大家一起来看下保护动物的英语作文吧。...

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  • 关于友谊的英语作文


    英语屋收录关于友谊的英语作文,In our daily life, if we get on harmoniously with our friends, we’ll feel more j...大家一起来看下关于友谊的英语作文吧。...

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  • 成名的代价


    英语屋收录成名的代价,When we take a look at the TV show, we can find that the stars are becoming much...大家一起来看下成名的代价吧。...

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  • 广州英语


    英语屋收录广州英语,Guangzhou is the third big city in China. It is a beautiful city with green tree...大家一起来看下广州英语吧。...

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  • 克服困难的英语作文


    英语屋收录克服困难的英语作文,Since I went to middle school, I had told myself that I was not a little kid any...大家一起来看下克服困难的英语作文吧。...

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